Monday, August 5, 2013

I am a visual artist.  My work is primarily in the realm of painting.  I also work in collage, and make monotypes which are really combinations of painting and collage.
My studio is in Palo Alto, California.  I enjoy sharing my work and I welcome visitors, so if you would like to arrange a studio visit feel free to contact me.

Selected Paintings, 2011-2012

                                        Just Passing Through  2011  54"x54"  Oil on Canvas
                                           Wibble Wobble  2012  60"x72"  Oil on Canvas
                            Issues in Contemporary Aquaculture  2012  60"x90"  Oil on Canvas
                                                Biomorph  2011  60"x55"  Oil on Canvas
                                                  Knossos  2011  59"x54"  Oil on Canvas
                                          Sheep-Shearing For Fun and Profit  2012  63"x85"